The OAO interview series - Mika "Belfagor" Hakola of OFERMOD part 2

The OAO interview series - Mika "Belfagor" Hakola of OFERMOD part 2

This is the continuation of the lengthy interview with Mika Hakola. So without further delay we carry on with the second part of 3.

  • von Ghostwriter
  • 10.07.2024

UG: As you have previously mentioned, you began to study and practice the Western Esoteric Tradition around the turn of the millennium. Have the teachings and paradigms of occult orders or LHP currents also sparked your interest at this time - e.g. those of the Temple of Set, Typhonian Order (T.O.T.O.), Fraternitas Saturni, I.O.T., O9A, MLO/TOTBL? 

B: No, at that time I was only studying the works of Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, Dion Fortune, Eliphas Levi, Papus, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Sandra Tabatha Cicero and Chic Cicero, McGregor Mathers and such adepts of the Right Hand Path. I didn't even know of the existence of the Left Hand Path movement other than MLO, which I was not interested to get acquainted with at as I knew that their teachings were a copy of Dragon Rouge's teachings, and at that time I wasn't interested by their traditions either. I was completely into the Right Hand Path movement of the previous century. I practiced things like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the Middle Pillar Ritual and traveling astrally in the Paths between the Sephiroth and entered the Sephiroth themselves also. I came quite far with the system and with self-initiation on the Tree of Life. 

UG: What is your view on Thelema? To what extent have you familiarised yourself with this essential concept?

B: I find Thelema interesting as their concept is quite similar to LHP traditions, about following your own higher Self and evolving spiritually in that way. Crowley founded the Thelemic religion in 1904 already so that tradition has well grounded roots, but I don't have a wish to become a member of their Order and religion, although I admire them and have read the Liber Al Vel Legis many times and also Crowley 's interpretations of the Book of the Law have I studied quite much.

UG: Having already become familiar with fundamental magical techniques and practices over the years, your spiritual journey led you to the Draconian Path.  But despite being well prepared, your acceptance into the Dragon Rouge was held up for a while.  What have been the most important steps leading up to your initiation and what hurdles did you have to overcome beforehand? Could you tell us a bit about your first experiences within the Order?

B: It was first when I read Thomas Karlsson's book Qabalah Qliphoth and Goetic Magic at the time when I was 29 that I acknowledged them as real and powerful magicians and became interested to join Dragon Rouge. Because of my criminal activities in the past, and in the present also, because I was on my way to get involved in a well known criminal organisation also at that time, socialicing with a crew that worked for a biker Club that is well known and established since the beginning of the nineties in Sweden, Hells Angels, but I left the Red and White Crew to become an initiate on the Left Hand Path through being involved in Dragon Rouge and leaving the life of crime behind me. 

It took the inner circle of Ordo Draconis et Atri Adamantis a year to decide if I was worthy to become a member in the Order Dragon Rouge, which is the school you go through the initiatory system to enter the Ordo Draconis. 

Soon after I became a member I got to know the entire inner circle of the Order because of my knowledge about magic and because I was a known musician who was already spreading the teachings of the Left Hand Path without knowing it myself, but somehow intuitely I had tapped into the current before I entered the Order so I had knowledge of the foundation already when becoming a member.

I think that it took me a year or so to become initiated into the first Grade of the Order, and so started my dive into the qliphotic labyrinthine underworld with the aid of not one but three personal mentors taking me under their wings and teaching me techniques far above my initiatory grade because they knew that I could handle it. I got the job of translating the papers of the second grade from Swedish into English and such jobs to benefit the Order that teached me to become a powerful magician of the tradition they belonged to. I became a fanatic disciple of that tradition as I knew that their system was a well tested and grounded tradition which others were mimicking because of the powerful roots of the Order here in Sweden and also having lodges in other countries, like Germany, Greece and Finland etc. This was my Destiny. 

As I said earlier, I have now not been an official member of the Order for a while, but I plan to return, and I am still working with high ranking adepts of the Order magically even without being an official member right now so I am on the same path since 2009, so 15 years now being an adept of the Left Hand Path and still going strong.

UG: Your initiation into the Dragon Rouge can be seen as a turning point in your life - as was your contact with Lilith, who bid you 'welcome home'. As part of this initiatory process, one's mentor can play a significant role - not only as an initiator but also as teacher, empathic helper and harsh critic. Furthermore, the first initiation into an occult/LHP order is always a powerful magical act and an exciting experience - often with strong effects on various areas of life...

B: Yes, I was very excited about reaching the first initiation into the draconian tradition of Dragon Rouge. I was initiated by two of the inner circle adepts of the Order and they both were my personal mentors as well. One of them being the principle of strictness and devotion, while the other one was the principle of madness made into structure. 

I had a third mentor as well after a few years in the Order. This third mentor of mine didn't go along with even meeting me until I had worked hard for two years as an initiate, but when he finally let me meet him he was so enamoured by my presence and aura that he forced himself into becoming my big brother and unofficial mentor.


UG: It seems that you had a close connection with your unofficial mentor and certainly learnt a lot from him, didn't you?  But generally speaking, how did your magical/spiritual path develop as a member of the Dragon Rouge? Have there been any experiences that had a big impact on your life?

B: He taught me what True power is when compared to physical strength. I even played the drums live at one occasion in Finland with his band Saturnalia Temple. Tommie, as his name was, used to call me in the middle of the night and talk magic with me while I was sitting in my temple which I had made my closet into. There I was in the scent of incense and the warmth of candle light on the altar table on which I had all kinds of qliphotic tools of entering altered states, like a piece of a Lucifer altar which I had stolen from a museum in Gothenburg when they had a Luciferian theme on display, a rock from the landing sight of an atom bomb explosion that the USA government had tested, an altar painting by the well known artist Mikael Idehall which he gave to me as a gift when I travelled to Gothenburg to meet him, a Lilith plate given to me by Florian of Obscure Anachronism from Austria, incense given to me by Nikolaos of Acherontas. 

When I finally "came out of the closet" the world was completely changed, reality was no more, but madness was my guiding star and foundation upon which I stood. I could no longer recognize my loved ones nor mundane reality, but instead I was caught in taking on different god forms and seeing reality through the eyes of various gods that had their habitat in the Sitra Ahra. 

It took a couple of years before I was starting to become grounded again and become familiar with everything that a human being is familiar with and my son was a couple of years old when I stopped having these unwanted episodes of psychotic terror and I could start working with the draconian current in a constructive manner again, this time having my altar in our living room and dedicating two and a half hours every day to meditation and yogic practice like Kundalini working. I was told by a German higher ranked adept that "we are not monks, you are practicing far too much" but I didn't care about his words because I was feeling satisfied and pleased by my spiritual bhakti, and during my evening meditation my son used to sit on my lap when I sat in Lotus asana and at the end of the meditation he always repeated Ho Drakon Ho Megas after me and then went to bed. 

A few years later he was unfortunately taken into foster care because of a dispute between me and his mother and first they realized that I had relapsed into a cocaine habit and a half a year later they caught his mother with having become an alcoholic after leaving me, but he is now eleven years old and has his first girlfriend and all haha! Fortunately he was placed in a very good foster family and I get to have contact with him through the phone as well as meeting him on a regular basis. 


UG: In the meantime, you have been faced with certain challenges in your life again... How did this happen and how did you manage to master the situations?

B: After I lost my family I was even more into using drugs and living a criminal lifestyle again, which I had left behind in 2008, but in 2017 I built an army of immigrant drug dealers who didn't leave me alone for a moment because I had a dangerous family threatening me, so they served as my body guards while at the same time pushing drugs from my apartment and keeping me satisfied with what I needed for my addiction. There was no time for practicing magic in that chaos with fights every now and then with neighbours and arming myself to go search for my enemies loaded up with xanax pills to take away all inhibitions and such normal reactions. Luckily I didn't find them as they seemed to have relocated to another city. 

So step by step I was left alone by my little army and I could start working on my occult calling again. 

I built an altar space bigger than ever before. My sacred space took half of my quite big living room, and the other half was dedicated to making music in. 

UG: What happened after you returned to the spiritual path and were able to focus on the occult work again?

B: I isolated myself completely in 2021 and composed the album "Mysterium Iniquitatis" while working with the Goetia daily and nightly. I once again, like in my youth, turned to Belial as a patron deity to whom I sacrificed and who made his presence and guidance very clear from the start of my attempts to invoke Him. He was very eager to take part of Ofermod and showed his willingness to be once again Ofermod's guardian demon by physical phenomena like knocking on the wall where I knew that there was no one at that time and showing his presence by exploding like a lightning flash in front of my face while I was writing the lyrics to "Loyal To Belial". The entire process of creating the album was intermingled with dark magic and cooperation with demons. The third riff of the song "Mysterium Iniquitatis" was a gift by Azazel, who reminded me about the riff which I had written in 1995 but had not used to anything. When I one night asked Him to give me hidden treasures I immediately after the ritual started playing that riff and the riff to the last Ofermod song on the split album Drakonian Elitism released by Odium Records. So those two riffs were treasures given to me by Azazel after a dive into the darkness where He has his throne and being consecrated in his presence. 

Lilith was another entity who was involved in the making of the album. I had a shamanic drum which I made out of leather that lovers of mine had left behind in my apartment, such as leather boots, from which I took the leather and made it into a magic drum with which I called upon females who Interested me, either demonesses or ordinary human females, the drum brought them to my embrace and satisfied my desires. This was handy as I seldom moved around humans, other than when I had to buy groceries etc, but sometimes I ran into women who awoke my desire, so I had an instrument for calling them to me. 

I had one altar entirely devoted to Belial while the rest of the spirits had to share altars, but I was rigorous in my preparations for a magical working. At this time I also worked magic for others for a payment. I helped a few people with my ceremonial magic and they were very happy, most of them. Some of them were obsessed nuts who wanted me to make someone obey their orders and such. I took their money and did a reverse spell so that the victim would be free from obeying the psychopath who hired me. One woman from Australia went from being suicidal into becoming a quite successful singer in a Metal band with the help of Belial talking to her directly through me through the camera. I got possessed for a moment to let Belial give a message to this woman who was in desperate need of help, and it took a couple of weeks and her situation was completely turned around. But mostly I involved myself in magic that was channeled into the music of Ofermod so that an adept of the dark side knows when listening to the album that it is more than mere music, more than mere Metal, it is Orthodox Black Metal, and that means spiritually potent and magically charged Sonic sorcery that is satanic and draconian to its essence.


UG: What impact has the initiatory path had on your life - apart from your decision to leave your criminal career behind? Could you describe some of the most important steps of development and understanding that you have been able to achieve - whether on a mental, emotional, energetic or spiritual level?

B: It has made me realize that there are entities soooo much more powerful than us humans in work on the qliphotic side as well as on the cosmic side of the coin. 

Some entities have played with me like I was their puppet, I have been made to dance in frantic ecstatic state of mind in front of my altar to the song Chosech En Sof, from our album Thaumiel, without being able to stop by my own will. I have been forced to kneel without my own consent. 

I have had astral sex with a manifestation of Lilith as a savage woman from the deep jungles of Africa. I have been soul raped by an invisible female succubus that ravaged my astral body from the bed to the roof and from the roof to under the bed and up again. 

I have visited Sorath in Thagirion and experienced the Anti-Christ Consciousness through astral travel that a female adept of a high level of initiation guided through video chat. That was the most recent profound experience that I had and which lead me to write a lyric for our upcoming album Drakosophia entitled The Painful Movers. 


UG: What do your uninitiated friends think about the fact that you are an adept of the Nightside? 

B: Being an adept of the Nightside is who and what I am, and even my so called normal friends know that I am a theistic satanist and they accept it as something they can't change even though they have a faith in God. I don't preach to them about their God and His emanations and Archons being corrupted by the qliphotic influence under which they act, because the shadow side is, was and shall forever be stronger than the cosmic side. This is something that they will have to experience themselves if they are interested in doing so, but most of them are so called "animal" humans, pašu, with no desire to improve spiritually and I accept that. I am the wise Uncle they come to when they have had a spiritual revelation and don't understand the meaning behind it. 

I have always been the person everyone has gathered around for what to do and how to act with spiritual experiences. Already in the nineties people like Daniel Rosten of Marduk called me when he had a spiritual dilemma, which I shall not disclose here. I was the centre figure of the small crowd of fanatics whom everyone bothered when they started to get results in their practice hehe. 


UG: After all these years since your first initiation, you certainly have a deep connection to many members of the Dragon Rouge. Do some of them approach you when they have questions about spiritual matters? 

B: Nowadays initiates of Dragon Rouge turn to me for advice in both small and big draconian questions. Most of the time I have a solution but other times I turn to someone more wise than myself and let them give me the answer so that I can pass it on to the questioner. I enjoy this role of being of assistance to those who don't have the keys to a problem which is quite obvious to someone who is not involved themselves in the shit that needs to be solved. I am proud of being an alpha male, which the name Ofermod hints at as well, while also having a loftier meaning of Lucifer's rebellion against God and His will to transcend the Throne of the Demiurge in His divine bravado. Another meaning is the bravado of Belial, He without Master, second only to Lucifer in the ranking of the Goetic demons, to whom He is always loyal. It is he who guides the adept in the process and journey to the very opening of the Eye of Lucifer which destroys the entire cosmic creation as it is illuminated and thus shown as the illusion it is.

UG: I would like to return to the concept of the "Higher Self" that you have already mentioned - and which is directly related to the Tiphareth/Thagirion stage in many initiatory systems. However, there are different views on how the "Higher Self" differs from the "True Self" - or whether it could even correspond to the "Holy Daimon"/"HGA". What is your opinion or experience in this regard?

B: I had experience of Tiphareth, ie Solar Consciousness, in my early twenties when I studied the Western Esoteric Tradition. I was caught in total bliss for about six hours as a result of meditation on ascending through the Sephiroth to Tiphareth. Finally I started to wonder if I was stuck in that state of mind and my body reacted with the sensation of stress and distress, but after a while I started to see first Venus, then Mercury and after that the Moon and finally the earth as I descended back into a mundane state of mind, of course taken by what I just had experienced but still mundane in comparison with the utter bliss of being in the sphere of the Sun/Son and seeing as well as feeling everything from a sort of higher nature than that of the animal man who only has thoughts and emotions and the subconscious, which has ignored to dive into to find the treasures of what is with him through all of his life but stays hidden from his knowledge, along with the physical vehicle that is his body. I felt a rebirth into being a spiritual man, even though I had practiced Devil worship since childhood, but this was another type of spiritual essence which I reached on my couch, not even in front of my altar as I usually were when working with the kind of methods that eventually lead me to this experience. I don't care about titles in these matters, so be it my Higher Self or my True Self which I came into contact with is of less value for me. 

It is interesting that you bring up this subject now, for it was not so long ago that I experienced entering into Thagirion and encountering Sorath with the help of a senior adept of mine and with the help of shrooms that she had grown herself. She guided me through the entire process, but without revealing where I was to tread on my journey, but without a word from my guide about my whereabout I saw a circle within a hexagram and a red faced Devil staring down at me from the ceiling, or highest up on the wall of a great royal hall in red and gold as the highlight of the trip, and the journey there was a sensation of painful movers all along, so I was in Thagirion during the entire shamanic working but I only realized it afterwards, when I returned to my normal consciousness. I have had strong initiatory experiences with using halucinogenic substances before, for instance feeling the intercourse of Lilith and Samael within me when I tried mushrooms for the first time, and with the help of a couple of pills that I ordered legally from a Swedish site I entered into being in the middle of Kali's and Shiva's Death Dance, destroying the whole cosmos and leaving a sensation of being holy in a way that I had never been close to when the Dance was over, but the strongest sensation was still during the very Dance, during which I started to wonder if it was going to last forever, but it lasted about four hours and after that I could return to my physical body. I have also been introduced to pills that help you to get possessed if that is what you want to achieve, which I of course wanted to experience before I could become possessed without using halucinogenic chemicals or herbs and mushrooms, but after working so intensely with entities like Belial and Azazel etc in ceremonial settings it became normal for me to become possessed at certain occasions during my period of self isolation during the composition of "Mysterium Iniquitatis". I'm lucky to have my sanity intact after such a prolonged period of constant work with Devils who are no minor league players but belong to the greatest of the Nightside entities and becoming so intimate with them that I talked to them as if I was talking to human guests in my house, while in fact I was in their house all along. 

This talk about the higher Self or True Self seems unnecessary to me. I know that I have a Daemon, but I have only met it once during a lucid dream when I was in prison for a few years ago, and in that dream I was given my Daemon Name which is my magical motto and name which I use when I work with spiritual affairs, be it simple things like meditation or elaborate ceremonial work. I am yet to achieve constant contact with my Daemon though, but I don't hurry these things. When the student is ready the master will come, they say, and so it is also with the union with one's inner Master, the Daemon. When I am ready I will once again meet my Daemon and I am sure that it will have a difference in appearance from the lucid dream I had in prison, because nothing is constant, nothing in the Qliphoth and nothing in the Sephiroth is unchanging and constant, but everything renews itself like a snake shedding its skin. We live in a serpent like existence, as the Serpent in paradise was both the Christ and Lucifer, both being bringers of Light to the man/woman with the knowledge to recognize it when it appears.


UG: What do you interpret as the "True Will" and does this affect you, e.g. the decisions you make? Do you assume that the "True Will" is connected to the concept of the "Higher Self"?

B: My True Will as a disciple of the Nightside is to attain apotheosis through the removal of every human garment that keeps me in the wheel of reincarnation no matter how many lifetimes it takes. I have walked astray from this mission in past lifes, but I believe in the revelation I had in my early twenties when I saw my soul or my true essence being born out of a Formless Black Dragon of Chaos and descending through emanation after emanation into a carnal body and thus started my True Will to ascend back towards the Chaos Dragon through whose womb I will enter the state where I can form my own paradise as well as an entire universe B when I finally have become "like one of them", ie having the Powers of the Demiurge and be able to create my own creation with the blessing of Havayoth and the Formlesss Primordial Void of No-Thing, a creation that is the loftiest essence of the Nightside Monsters in extension through me as the channel and moulder of new life forms. 

For the RHP adepts the True Will is in Chokmah, the wand of the Magus extended to create what ever the Magus desires, but his ultimate goal is to unite with the nothingness of Ain, which is the holiest state of God, a state that not even I can see upon as an abomination, for in it existence is not, Nothing is and this is the origin of God before he broke out from the state of total peace at one with the Void of the Formlesss Dragon of Chaos, but on different sides of a coin that is not even thought about at this point. 

My True Will in an earthly manner is the wellbeing of my family and those close to me, be they on the other side of the globe or in my closeness, and for me to be able to be as perfect as a vessel for the forces of Sitra Ahra, as possible through my art. These things matter most to me, so they must be an earthly version of my True Will. But like stated earlier, my True Will in a spiritual sense is the gaining of being worthy to eat of the fruits of apotheosis after being born anew through the furnace mouth of Moloch and removing the negative veils of Ithiel, Belial and Qemetiel after which there is nothing left but to start a new creation in the Void that is the womb into which I am to vibrate new existence emanation after emanation and "be like one of us"...but different in my very essence anyways.

The whole interview was conducted by Belfagor for Ofermod and Aen Vessah for Undergrounded and is part one of a three pieces interview.

More information can be found here:


