The OAO interview series - Into the Occult And Orthodox BM scene

The OAO interview series - Into the Occult And Orthodox BM scene

These few lines are to announce that we plan a loose series of interviews with BM bands that focus on occult themes espcially. Meaning not only occult themes in the lyrics, but also trying to take a closer look at the individuals behind them.

  • von Starduster
  • 04.07.2024

While BM is mainly about dark themes (war, satanism, misanthropy etc.) by definition from the start, we have to divide between obvious pretenders and those that mean serious business. We are, of course, not the final institution of decision here nor meaning to make such, but are trying to get a bigger picture of the occult and orthodox BM-scene. We will be finding out about content, intention as well as the mindset of todays actors. We will be trying to reach from the early days of the 2nd Wave to over 30 years of BM evolution.

We are doing this because this topic has not been given the attention it needed over the years. While musical evolution has ever been covered and much discussed, occult themes have mostly been left excluded. We are hoping to bring some light into a field where there has been left too much in the dark.

As with everything else in Undergrounded this is a project of heart and of fun which we believe is going to contribute to the understanding of the mindset and the motivation behind orthodox/occult Black Metal. There is no ending or conclusion we want to show or prove here.  And we want to be perfectly clear: this is about the spirituality of individuals. And we will not be judging but seriously asking questions, and treating everyone´s opinion with the respect of a private affair.

We know that many of our readers are not familar with an occult world view and will experience some difficulties at times following the trains of thought.  Now, IF you are interested in what is coming you might need to check out a few terms in the internet. Occult paradigms become very quickly matters not easy to understand.It would be useful to make up ones own mind and expand your basic knowledge of the Left Hand Path, Thelema, Kabbala and Chaos Gnosticism.

So be prepared for much interesting and strong content coming soon in on Undergrounded.

